Become a member

Anyone can join us, regardless of being an Alaskan malamute owner, or simply an enthusiast of the breed.

The membership includes access to the quarterly club newsletter ‘AMCB Chorus’; voting rights at the AMCB General Assembly, as well as special promotions during AMCB organized activities.

Our yearly membership fees are:

€ 35,00 member fee – (per family – living in one address)
€ 60,00 breeder fee – You can become a breeder member if you have been a member of AMCB for 2 consecutive years).

You can easily apply membership by filling out the form and paying the membership fee.

We expect you to abide by our code of ethics. It is therefore obligatory to indicate that you have read and approved this code and to respect it effectively.

Payment details:

IBAN: BE73 0018 1182 0560
On behalf of AMCB vzw, Wijngelagweg 60, B-2620 Hemiksem


Inschrijvingsformulier / Formulaire d’inscription / Registration form

(Fokkerslid kunt u worden als u minimaal 2 jaar lid bent van de AMCB. Vous pouvez devenir membre éleveur si vous êtes membre de l'AMCB depuis 2 ans. You can become a breeder member if you have been an AMCB member for at least 2 years)